On April 28, me Kawena HIkari and my band Hi'ilawe Aloha (Kishimoto Kyouichi & Shige Ikari) will be at YOKOHAMA BAY QUARTER for an event sponsored by Hula Hawaii. See the EVENT tab above to learn more about other events that I will be at this month and next.
Having the Yokohama event lined up, I thought that it would really be nice for the HA Band to have matching aloha influenced shirts. So, I headed out to our local Uniqlo, which is equivalent to GAP or Target back at home. I found the cheapest dress shirt that my money could buy which was ¥990. Then started to let the magic flow.
Before I begin, I want to tell you that I actually wanted to do much more to this shirt but because I am under a lot of time restraints, I didn't. Sorry to disappoint you all but the "flowing magic" I mentioned above wasn't flowing so much.
Since I have a lot of fabric from my favorite designer NAKEU. I wanted to use that fabric to embellish the shirts I had bought. Oh by the way, please when you go to Hawaii visit his store in Kalihi. His aloha shirts and dresses are dazzling and very chic. Check out the link I provided.

If you have some time, please come to Yokohama Bay Quarter. Tell me what you think of my band Hi'ilawe Aloha and their new shirts. I think they will look COOL! God bless! Aloha HIkari
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